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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Time For A Change

I dunno what got into me but yesterday night when I was on SL (Sick Leave), I was lying on my bed with my television on and my laptop connected to the net. Totally wasting electricity and money for nothing and I'm growing a bit heavy on my mid section because I no longer have time to be physically active. A typical body type for a guy my age but NO! If Robin can look amazingly hot at his age, why can't I? At least just loose some of the love handles.
So I did an RCA (a normal activity we do at the office to solve a problem) so I could start solving this problem.
I started identifying things that hinder me from doing physical activities. And number one culprit are those st*pid Facebook Games that eat up my time!!! And to my surprise, I deleted more than fifty unwanted, unhealthy, and non-productive applications. I blocked 'em too.
So instead of sitting (or sometimes I do it lying) and spending time playing those games, I have created myself a little physical fitness program which I could conveniently do inside my apartment. I didn't have a hard time doing it since I was a Tae-bo Instructor when I was in college. (NO I'm not lying!!!)
Next step would be choosing what I eat. Now this is the hard part of the game. But just like what the saying goes... if there's a will, there's a way. 
I'll keep you posted.

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